October 3, 2010

Week 7 - David is Forgiving

Printables for this week:

Forgiving Chart from Hubbard’s Cupboard
Colossians 3:13 from Hubbard’s Cupboard
David and Saul Lesson from Mission Arlington

We started the week by reading “Tiger Forgives” from one of my favorite character resources, First Virtues for Toddlers.  Next was role playing some of the situations in the book, along with any others that popped into my mind at the time (knocking down someone’s block creation, playing too rough, using harsh words, etc.)  We split into partners to act out the situations followed by saying, “I’m sorry.” and the other person saying “I forgive you.”  We talked about how after saying “I forgive you” the feelings don’t always just disappear.  It’s normal to still feel a little sad, frustrated, or angry, but the important thing is to speak forgiveness and let God help you with the rest.  There are many great object lessons about this, but we never got around to them this week.  (I had planned to do two from the Mission Arlington handout listed in the printables.  Go to page 4, and check out the last two activities with the bricks in the backpack and tarnished jewelery.)  Since this story of David and Saul was not to be found in any of our children’s bibles, we read it straight from 1 Samuel 24 in my bible, then used the preschool version (page 3 from Mission Arlington lesson).  The children really enjoyed that it was from the bat’s point of view.  

I was rummaging through my fabric collection looking for something “royal” to cut up for Saul’s robe, and all I found was one of my favorite shirts that got a hole in the sleeve.  I decided to just cut off the sleeves, and use them to cut some robe scraps from (and figured Aryelle would appreciate a little more femininity in the dress up box).  However, my little actors were inspired and out came the crowns, capes, and wooden knife from our cutting food set to bring the story to like.  You can check out the pictures in the slideshow.  hehe  If only I could’ve captured some video.

For our cooking project, I was going to go for the Edible Cave idea (again found on page 4 of the Mission Arlington lesson) but opted for some granola instead.  I used a picture recipe for “Grrreat Granola” I had in my teaching files.  Honestly, it wasn’t the greatest, or even great for that matter, so I’m not sharing it.  There are a ton of granola recipes online though, and we were very happy with this granola bar recipe from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  We made it a couple of weeks ago, and it lasted all of two days with my two monkeys devouring it!

This week’s Friday edition of Jungle School was chosen by the children...green glitter glasses.  I was opting for a gorilla project since Gordo Gorilla is a favorite, and we had so much fun learning about gorillas this week.  However, I was vetoed when they found the “g” glasses in my stash.  You simply cut out two lowercase g shapes from green paper, leaving a little tab on one to adjust for the eyes.  Decorate with glitter, fit them to your child, and there ya go!

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